Northshore Calendar

July 2024

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell German Conversation
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Kenmore - Coffee With Council
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help with Sue (by appt)
  • Peter Kirk Women's Coffee Group
  • Bothell Programming With Indian Community Services
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • Kenmore - Bridge Club
  • Kenmore Tone Up!
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pinochle
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Single Deck)
  • Bothell Astronomy
  • Bothell Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Kenmore Draw/Sketch Beginning
  • Mill Creek - Learn Mahjong
  • Mill Creek - Music for Fun
  • Virtual Karaoke
  • Bothell Multi Media Class
  • Virtual Bingo
  • Bothell Food Pantry
  • Bothell Walking Group
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Yoga
  • Bothell Knit-Wits
  • Bothell Strength and Balance
  • Bothell Mahjong
  • Bothell Variety Band
  • Kenmore - Driftwood Sculpture
  • Kenmore Nature Walk w eBird along the Sammamish Slough
  • Mill Creek - Seated Yoga w/ Maria
  • Mill Creek: Watercolor for Fun
  • Bothell Tai Chi Beginning
  • Virtual Balance & Strength
  • Bothell Soup Day
  • Bothell Tai Chi Level 1 and 2
  • Bothell Beginning Line Dancing
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Virtual Better when I'm Dancing
  • Kenmore Guitar Connection
  • Bothell Cornhole
  • Bothell Qigong
  • Bothell The More You Know: Community Resources & Information Sharing
  • Kenmore Hopelink Mobile Food Market
  • Mill Creek - Bingo
  • Mill Creek - Crochet Social Circle
  • Bothell Pickleball Skills and Drills
  • In Person-Walking group
  • Virtual-Yoga
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell - Lowfire Pottery and Sculpture
  • Bothell Senior Aerobics
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help with Sue (by appt)
  • Mill Creek - Watercolor
  • Bothell Piano Workshop
  • Kenmore - Bridge Club
  • Kenmore - Qi-gong in the Park
  • Men's Conversation Café
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pie Day
  • Bothell Open Art Studio
  • Bothell Quilt Group
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Double Deck)
  • Bothell Table Tennis (Ping Pong)
  • Kenmore Watercolor
  • Sharing and Caring Support Group
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • INCLUSION Virtual Sign Language
  • Mill Creek - Chess Fundamentals
  • Bothell Guitar, Anyone?
  • INCLUSION In Person Zumba
  • Virtual Zumba
  • Bothell Ballroom Dance Lessons
  • Bothell Bingo
  • Bothell Mahjong
  • INCLUSION In Person Martial Arts
  • Virtual Martial Arts
  • Bothell Essentrics
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • 4th of July - ALL CENTERS CLOSED
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Memoir Writing Class
  • Kenmore In Stitches
  • Kenmore Table Top Games
  • Bothell Cribbage
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • Heartfulness Meditation
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pinochle
  • Kenmore Pinochle/Hand & Foot
  • Bothell Card Making
  • Bothell Genealogy Class
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Mill Creek - Boston Tea Party
  • Bothell Mexican Train
  • Bothell Food Pantry
  • Bothell Pancake Breakfast
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Bingo
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Bothell - Veterans Breakfast Club
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell German Conversation
  • Bothell Women's Coffee Hour
  • Bothell Jewelry Club
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help with Sue (by appt)
  • Peter Kirk Women's Coffee Group
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • Kenmore - Bridge Club
  • Kenmore Tone Up!
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pinochle
  • Mill Creek - Meatless Monday Potluck
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Single Deck)
  • Bothell Astronomy
  • Bothell Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Kenmore Book Club
  • Kenmore Draw/Sketch Beginning
  • Mill Creek - Music for Fun
  • Virtual Karaoke
  • Bothell Multi Media Class
  • Virtual Bingo
  • Bothell Food Pantry
  • Bothell Walking Group
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Yoga
  • Bothell Knit-Wits
  • Bothell Strength and Balance
  • Bothell Mahjong
  • Bothell Variety Band
  • Kenmore - Driftwood Sculpture
  • Kenmore Nature Walk w eBird along the Sammamish Slough
  • Mill Creek - Seated Yoga w/ Maria
  • Mill Creek: Watercolor for Fun
  • Bothell Tai Chi Beginning
  • Virtual Balance & Strength
  • Bothell Soup Day
  • Bothell Tai Chi Level 1 and 2
  • Bothell Beginning Line Dancing
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Virtual Better when I'm Dancing
  • Mill Creek - Book-A-Librarian (by appt)
  • Kenmore Guitar Connection
  • Bothell Cornhole
  • Bothell Qigong
  • Mill Creek - Bingo
  • Mill Creek - Crochet Social Circle
  • Bothell Pickleball Skills and Drills
  • In Person-Walking group
  • Virtual-Yoga
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell - Lowfire Pottery and Sculpture
  • Bothell Antiques
  • Bothell Senior Aerobics
  • In Person - Diabetes Support Group
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help with Sue (by appt)
  • Mill Creek - Watercolor
  • Kenmore - Bridge Club
  • Kenmore - Qi-gong in the Park
  • Men's Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pie Day
  • Bothell Open Art Studio
  • Bothell Quilt Group
  • Kenmore Community Food Pantry
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Double Deck)
  • Bothell Table Tennis (Ping Pong)
  • In Person - Gay Men's Cafe
  • Kenmore Watercolor
  • Sharing and Caring Support Group
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • INCLUSION Virtual Sign Language
  • Mill Creek - Chess Fundamentals
  • Bothell Guitar, Anyone?
  • INCLUSION In Person Zumba
  • Virtual Zumba
  • Bothell Ballroom Dance Lessons
  • Bothell Bingo
  • Bothell Mahjong
  • INCLUSION In Person Martial Arts
  • Virtual Martial Arts
  • Bothell Essentrics
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Bothell Driftwood
  • Bothell Yoga
  • Bothell Walking Group
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Strength and Balance
  • Bothell For the Love of Theatre
  • Kenmore Belly Dance for Strength & Balance
  • Mill Creek - Seated Yoga w/ Maria
  • Mill Creek - Walking with eBird
  • Bothell Tai Chi Breathing and Wellness Exercises
  • Virtual Standing Balance & Strength
  • **Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Colored Pencil
  • Bothell Olga Northshore
  • Bothell Soup Day
  • Bothell Tai Chi Practice
  • Mill Creek - Women's Coffee Group
  • Bothell Beginner Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Hand and Foot
  • Kenmore Crafters
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Single Deck)
  • Bothell Coffee Social
  • INCLUSION Virtual Show & Tell
  • Mill Creek - Tai Chi
  • Bothell Pickleball Skills and Drills
  • Bothell Driftwood
  • INCLUSION In Person Drum & Fitness
  • Virtual Drum & Fitness
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Memoir Writing Class
  • Kenmore In Stitches
  • Kenmore Table Top Games
  • Mill Creek Men's Coffee Group
  • Bothell Cribbage
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • Heartfulness Meditation
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pinochle
  • Kenmore Pinochle/Hand & Foot
  • Bothell Card Making
  • Bothell Genealogy Class
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Bothell Mexican Train
  • Bothell Food Pantry
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell German Conversation
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help with Sue (by appt)
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help with Sue (by appt)
  • Peter Kirk Women's Coffee Group
  • Bothell Programming With Indian Community Services
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • Kenmore - Bridge Club
  • Kenmore Tone Up!
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pinochle
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Single Deck)
  • Bothell Astronomy
  • Bothell Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Kenmore Draw/Sketch Beginning
  • Mill Creek - Learn Mahjong
  • Mill Creek - Music for Fun
  • Virtual Karaoke
  • Bothell Multi Media Class
  • Virtual Bingo
  • Bothell Food Pantry
  • Bothell Walking Group
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Kenmore SHIBA Medicare Consultations
  • Bothell Yoga
  • Bothell Knit-Wits
  • Bothell Strength and Balance
  • Bothell Mahjong
  • Bothell Variety Band
  • Kenmore - Driftwood Sculpture
  • Kenmore Nature Walk w eBird along the Sammamish Slough
  • Mill Creek - Seated Yoga w/ Maria
  • Parkinson's Support Group
  • Bothell Tai Chi Beginning
  • Virtual Balance & Strength
  • Bothell Soup Day
  • Bothell Tai Chi Level 1 and 2
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help w/Sue (by appt.)
  • Bothell Beginning Line Dancing
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Virtual Better when I'm Dancing
  • Bothell Stamp Club
  • Kenmore Guitar Connection
  • Bothell Cornhole
  • Bothell Qigong
  • Kenmore Hopelink Mobile Food Market
  • Mill Creek - Bingo
  • Mill Creek - Crochet Social Circle
  • Bothell Pickleball Skills and Drills
  • In Person-Walking group
  • Virtual-Yoga
  • Mill Creek - Ballet Barre
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell - Lowfire Pottery and Sculpture
  • Bothell Senior Aerobics
  • From Heartache to an Open Heart Support Group
  • Mill Creek - Watercolor
  • Kenmore - Bridge Club
  • Kenmore - Qi-gong in the Park
  • Men's Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pie Day
  • Bothell Open Art Studio
  • Bothell Quilt Group
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Double Deck)
  • Bothell Table Tennis (Ping Pong)
  • Kenmore Watercolor
  • Sharing and Caring Support Group
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • INCLUSION Virtual Sign Language
  • Mill Creek - Chess Fundamentals
  • Bothell Guitar, Anyone?
  • INCLUSION In Person Zumba
  • Virtual Zumba
  • Bothell Ballroom Dance Lessons
  • Bothell Bingo
  • Bothell Mahjong
  • INCLUSION In Person Martial Arts
  • Virtual Martial Arts
  • Bothell Essentrics
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Adult Children of Aging Parent Support Group
  • Bothell Driftwood
  • Bothell Yoga
  • Bothell Walking Group
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Mill Creek - Medicare Counseling with SHIBA (walk-ins welcome)
  • Bothell Strength and Balance
  • Bothell For the Love of Theatre
  • Kenmore Belly Dance for Strength & Balance
  • Mill Creek - Walking with eBird
  • Bothell Tai Chi Breathing and Wellness Exercises
  • Caregivers Support Group
  • Virtual Standing Balance & Strength
  • **Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Colored Pencil
  • Bothell Soup Day
  • Bothell Tai Chi Practice
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help w/ Sue (by appt.)
  • Mill Creek - Women's Coffee Group
  • Bothell Beginner Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Hand and Foot
  • Kenmore Crafters
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Single Deck)
  • Bothell Coffee Social
  • Ubuntu Philosophy Discussion Group
  • INCLUSION Virtual Show & Tell
  • Mill Creek - Tai Chi
  • Bothell Pickleball Skills and Drills
  • Bothell Driftwood
  • INCLUSION In Person Drum & Fitness
  • Virtual Drum & Fitness
  • Bothell - Ballet Barre
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Memoir Writing Class
  • In Person - Book Club
  • Kenmore In Stitches
  • Kenmore Table Top Games
  • Bothell Cribbage
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • Heartfulness Meditation
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pinochle
  • Kenmore Pinochle/Hand & Foot
  • Mill Creek - Rock Painting
  • Bothell Card Making
  • Bothell Genealogy Class
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Bothell Mexican Train
  • Bothell Food Pantry
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell German Conversation
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help with Sue (by appt)
  • Peter Kirk Women's Coffee Group
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • Kenmore - Bridge Club
  • Kenmore Tone Up!
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pinochle
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Single Deck)
  • Bothell Astronomy
  • Bothell Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Kenmore Draw/Sketch Beginning
  • Mill Creek - Music for Fun
  • Virtual Karaoke
  • Bothell Multi Media Class
  • Virtual Bingo
  • Bothell Food Pantry
  • Bothell Walking Group
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Yoga
  • Bothell Knit-Wits
  • Bothell Strength and Balance
  • Bothell Mahjong
  • Bothell Variety Band
  • In Person - Vision Loss
  • Kenmore - Driftwood Sculpture
  • Kenmore Nature Walk w eBird along the Sammamish Slough
  • Bothell Tai Chi Beginning
  • Virtual Balance & Strength
  • Bothell Soup Day
  • Bothell Tai Chi Level 1 and 2
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help w/Sue (by appt.)
  • Bothell Beginning Line Dancing
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Virtual Better when I'm Dancing
  • Mill Creek - Book-A-Librarian (by appt)
  • Kenmore Guitar Connection
  • Bothell Cornhole
  • Bothell Qigong
  • Mill Creek - Bingo
  • Mill Creek - Crochet Social Circle
  • Bothell Pickleball Skills and Drills
  • In Person-Walking group
  • Virtual-Yoga
  • Mill Creek - Ballet Barre
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell - Lowfire Pottery and Sculpture
  • Bothell Senior Aerobics
  • Mill Creek - Watercolor
  • Caregivers Support Group
  • Kenmore - Bridge Club
  • Kenmore - Qi-gong in the Park
  • Men's Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pie Day
  • Bothell Open Art Studio
  • Bothell Quilt Group
  • Kenmore Community Food Pantry
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Double Deck)
  • Bothell Table Tennis (Ping Pong)
  • Kenmore Watercolor
  • Sharing and Caring Support Group
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • INCLUSION Virtual Sign Language
  • Mill Creek - Chess Fundamentals
  • Bothell Guitar, Anyone?
  • INCLUSION In Person Zumba
  • Virtual Zumba
  • Bothell Ballroom Dance Lessons
  • Bothell Bingo
  • Bothell Mahjong
  • INCLUSION In Person Martial Arts
  • Virtual Martial Arts
  • Bothell Essentrics
  • Bothell OLGA
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Bothell Driftwood
  • Bothell Yoga
  • Bothell Walking Group
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Kenmore Social Services Consultations
  • Bothell Strength and Balance
  • Bothell For the Love of Theatre
  • Kenmore Belly Dance for Strength & Balance
  • Mill Creek - Seated Yoga w/ Maria
  • Mill Creek - Walking with eBird
  • Bothell Tai Chi Breathing and Wellness Exercises
  • Bothell Tulalip Casino Day Trip
  • Virtual Standing Balance & Strength
  • **Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Colored Pencil
  • Bothell Soup Day
  • Bothell Tai Chi Practice
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help w/ Sue (by appt.)
  • Mill Creek - Women's Coffee Group
  • Bothell Beginner Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Hand and Foot
  • Kenmore Crafters
  • Mill Creek - Book Club
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Single Deck)
  • Bothell Coffee Social
  • Bothell Travel Club
  • INCLUSION Virtual Show & Tell
  • Mill Creek - Tai Chi
  • Bothell Pickleball Skills and Drills
  • Bothell Driftwood
  • INCLUSION In Person Drum & Fitness
  • Virtual Drum & Fitness
  • Bothell - Ballet Barre
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Memoir Writing Class
  • Kenmore In Stitches
  • Kenmore Table Top Games
  • Mill Creek - Men's Coffee Group
  • Bothell Cribbage
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • Heartfulness Meditation
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pinochle
  • Kenmore Pinochle/Hand & Foot
  • Bothell Card Making
  • Bothell Genealogy Class
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Bothell Mexican Train
  • Bothell Food Pantry
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell German Conversation
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help with Sue (by appt)
  • Peter Kirk Women's Coffee Group
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • Kenmore - Bridge Club
  • Kenmore Tone Up!
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pinochle
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Single Deck)
  • Bothell Astronomy
  • Bothell Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Pickleball
  • Kenmore Draw/Sketch Beginning
  • Mill Creek - Music for Fun
  • Virtual Karaoke
  • Bothell Multi Media Class
  • Virtual Bingo
  • Bothell Food Pantry
  • Bothell Walking Group
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell Yoga
  • Bothell Knit-Wits
  • Bothell Strength and Balance
  • Bothell Mahjong
  • Bothell Variety Band
  • Kenmore - Driftwood Sculpture
  • Kenmore Nature Walk w eBird along the Sammamish Slough
  • Mill Creek - Seated Yoga w/ Maria
  • Bothell Tai Chi Beginning
  • Virtual Balance & Strength
  • Bothell Soup Day
  • Bothell Tai Chi Level 1 and 2
  • Mill Creek - Computer Help w/Sue (by appt.)
  • Bothell Beginning Line Dancing
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Virtual Better when I'm Dancing
  • Kenmore Guitar Connection
  • Bothell Cornhole
  • Bothell Qigong
  • Mill Creek - Bingo
  • Mill Creek - Crochet Social Circle
  • Bothell Pickleball Skills and Drills
  • In Person-Walking group
  • Virtual-Yoga
  • Mill Creek - Ballet Barre
  • Northshore Senior Center Board Meeting
  • Bothell EnhanceFitness
  • Bothell Watercolor
  • Kenmore Pickleball Open Play
  • Bothell - Lowfire Pottery and Sculpture
  • Bothell Senior Aerobics
  • Mill Creek - Watercolor
  • Kenmore - Bridge Club
  • Kenmore - Qi-gong in the Park
  • Men's Conversation Cafe
  • Bothell Community Dining
  • Bothell Pie Day
  • Bothell Open Art Studio
  • Bothell Quilt Group
  • Mill Creek - Pinochle (Double Deck)
  • Bothell Table Tennis (Ping Pong)
  • Kenmore Watercolor
  • Sharing and Caring Support Group
  • Virtual Seated Body Conditioning
  • INCLUSION Virtual Sign Language
  • Mill Creek - Chess Fundamentals
  • Bothell Guitar, Anyone?
  • INCLUSION In Person Zumba
  • Virtual Zumba
  • Bothell Ballroom Dance Lessons
  • Bothell Bingo
  • Bothell Mahjong
  • INCLUSION In Person Martial Arts
  • Virtual Martial Arts
  • Bothell Essentrics
  • Bothell Pickleball